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How do you take off the tint of your rear window

Aug 8


It's not just you who's ever thought about how to remove tint from your rear window. This article offers guidelines on how you can get rid of unwanted tint on your rear window, without ruining your car's look. If you have a damaged window or a cloudy tint you can remove it. Be sure to follow the directions and utilize a waste bag, a heat gun or Acetone.

Cutting Edge Window Tinting

Heat gun

Applying heat to your back window tint could be an issue. However, it is possible to remove it with a heat gun on a cold day. Begin by holding the gun six inches away from the tint and push the film. It is essential not to heat the film excessively as the heat could cause damage to the door panel. Use a brand new razor that has an edge that is straight to cut the film.

WD40 is a professional grade cleaner that can be applied to windows. Spray the WD40 solution onto the window and wipe it off with a rag. Then wash the window. ATR adhesive remover is an excellent choice. This removes the glue residue left behind after having applied the WD40. Be sure to follow the directions of the manufacturer for using the heat gun. Once you've removed any tint, the glass should be clean.


There are two ways to get rid of tint from your back windows. You can first use a household sponge with soapy water. You could also apply alcohol or a heat gun to help loosen the tint glue. The process can take several hours to dry so it is necessary to apply soap water each 20 minutes. When the window is completely clean, you can then remove the residue using the help of a cloth that has been soaked in acetone.

Nail polish remover may also be applied to the glass. This method is effective in removing adhesive residue. However, it's not efficient in removing tint. Instead, you should use a microfiber cloth to remove any glue residue. Additionally, if you are using nail polish remover you could also use a bucket of hot soapy water to wash the glass. This is a great way to get rid of adhesive residue off the back of your window.


First, prepare the garbage bag using plastic and spray the bag with water. To capture any water that could splash the tarp, put it on the deck in the rear. Spray a solution of water and ammonia on the tint. Place the bag on the window. Wait for about 30 minutes for the ammonia solution to soak into. The tint can be removed residue with a nonmetallic scraper after it dries.

To clean any remaining tint to remove any tint remnants, you can use steel wool. You can also use ammonia or a commercial glass cleaner. Be sure to wear safety equipment and keep your eyes near the chemical. A hairdryer could also be used to prevent lines from getting scraped. However, do be careful when applying ammonia as the chemical may cause damage to the interior of your car. After applying the ammonia you should clean the glass with a good scrub.

Trash bags

It is possible to remove the tint of your rear windows by using a plastic bag, thick black garbage bag, or another similar product. The bag should be large enough to completely cover the window. Spray the water on the window, then put the bag over the tinted glasses. Make sure that the whole window is completely covered and that the tint touches it. If it is extremely difficult to clean the tint you can try using a tarp or a plastic bag.

It is also possible to use an electric heat gun to eliminate the tint from the window. The heating gun can quickly dry the window tint which makes it a much more effective option as opposed to the sun. To stop the tint from drying out, ensure that you mist it with water. Make sure the window tint is removed completely before you move onto the next step. After you've removed all the tint, you can put in an entirely new tint to the window.

Rear defroster wires

It's not just you who's installed tint on the back of your windows without removing the grid for the defroster. It's a common error among beginners who install tint. This is a common error committed by tint installers who aren't experienced. You could end up damaging the rear defroster. Here are a few tips to ensure proper tint removal:

Before you begin, measure the rear window to determine the amount of film you'll need. Take measurements on both the top and bottom of the window. It is also important to remove any air bubbles from the window, which could cause wrinkles on the tint film. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines if you are installing the tint film yourself. If you're hiring professionals, be certain to test the film to make sure it's correctly installed. Once you have done this, proceed with the installation.

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